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Monday, December 9, 2013

Character quirks

When I meet someone for the first time, I try to associate them with something they were doing or wearing in order to make them stick in my head, so I will remember their name when I see them again.  It's a pet peeve of mine when I recognize a face, but can't place that person's name.  Well sometimes, I don't have to do that.  Sometimes, people just stick in my mind, making their persona a memorable one.  They may be charismatic, they may be a comedian, or they may be the most striking person on the face of the earth.  But not every character gets the proper amount of time to explain all their wonderful or horrible facets, so that is when a quirk makes them stand out.

That is my ultimate goal for any character in my story.  Whether they have a cameo or a solid part; if they're important enough to put in, then I use an association to remember them, so it guarantees less confusion when referring to them later in the story.

While there are too many behaviors to list, below is a small compilation of a few character quirks, whether annoying or funny, to get your own list thriving:

-snuffing when they chew their gum and snapping bubbles
-fearing something that others consider cute and cuddly
-chewing on their fingernails
-chewing on the end of a pen
-constantly tapping their fingers to a rhythm when there's no music
-nodding their head obsessively
-pointing whenever they talk
-talking in sonnets
-applying chap stick every two minutes
-breathing heavy in-between each word like they should be on oxygen
-moving in robotic movements but not on purpose
-their voice is so high pitched, dogs whimper

Just thinking of your own pet peeves can help you create a fantastic list of quirks to set your characters apart.  What crazy quirks can you come up with?

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